Distinct groups project

Clinically distinct groups in vascular malformations

There is a lack of reporting on patient and lesion characteristics in research on vascular malformations. Because of this, it is very difficult to compare studies and correctly make conclusions on what treatment might be effective for the individual patient.

As a subproject of the OVAMA project, we are starting the DIstinct groups in VAscular MAlformations (DIVAMA) project. The aim of this project is to develop – through international consensus – a list of distinctive patient and lesion characteristics on which studies on vascular malformations should report. For example: patient age, lesion size, tissue involvement, etc. This list could also be viewed as the ‘core baseline characteristics’, and can serve as a framework for vascular malformation registries.

By this, we believe we will be one step closer to evidence-based treatment guidelines for vascular malformations.

If you have any suggestions, questions, or want to participate, please contact us.